Beginner developer should know

Yoice Gabriela
3 min readMar 26, 2021
Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

Attention: This is my first ever story and I will write in this account for fun to tell my journey as a starter in programming world.

P.S. teach me I’m a dummy

I just started my developer journey as web developer junior, lol. Just kidding, I just start it for fun. I find it interesting to code. So, I can’t help myself to have deeper knowledge in web development. There you go!

I took my first step with knowing the tools web developer usually have. I downloaded code editor which the most easy to use is Visual Studio Code. Then, I downloaded Xampp which I use for my last project. Xampp usually used for Apache, MySQL, PHP and Perl, in my case I need for using the MySQL and build Wordpress. Today, I downloaded NodeJS for using my current project which I still looking forward what’s the use of both.

Here, I want to share for you who has the same problem as mine to download it on Mac. Especially for new users!

How to download Xampp:

  1. Open this link and there’ll written Download Latest Version. It will redirected to:

I first download Xampp from but, it doesn't work. I asked myself, “WHY XAMPP CAN’T RUN?”, more or less I feel dizzy and tell myself let’s search for it!

Why do I use Xampp instead of the well known Mamp? it’s simply because Xampp is free and can be used in Linux, Windows, and Mac. If I use Mamp, this world will gonna be complicated since Mamp Pro is paid and can not be used for cross-platform.

Next, my gonna be or still working project is using VueJS as framework. BUT, VueJS can’t be installed. I tell myself, what’s wrong with the world? Does this world not allow me to become a developer?

I had download the NodeJS and install it, but VueJS can’t work. I’ve type npm - -version and it show the NodeJS version, but when I typed vue - -version, the version doesn’t show.

Here, how to solve VueJS doesn’t install:

  1. Make sure you have download NodeJS in
  2. Search “terminal” on your spotlight
  3. Type “npm - -version” a.k.a. to check whether your NodeJS has been installed or not. What if my NodeJS hasn’t been installed? Don’t worry, be happy. Just double-click the NodeJS file on your finder and follow the instructions.
  4. After doing the step 3, re-do the step 2. It will be showing something like “7.6.3” but, it depends on the version you installed. So, don’t worry if it wrote “6.4.1”. It’s normal.
  5. Let’s install the VueJS. Normal Mac will work after you type “sudo npm install –g vue”. What if it’s does not work? I tried some steps from stackoverflow (, but I found different path.
  6. Step to fix VueJS can’t install. First, remove the installed NodeJS and VueJS that might be just installed on your mac. Type "sudo npm uninstall - -global vue-cli" then type “sudo npm uninstall - -global @vue/cli”
  7. Then, type ““sudo npm install — -global @vue/cli@latest”
  8. Last, type “npm install -g @vue/cli”
  9. and, Voila! check the VueJS by type “vue - -version”
  10. There will be no more zsh command not found vue

I’m happy to write my dummy step and dummy writing as long as I can help people who in need!

Salute, dummy



Yoice Gabriela

Poetry and stories mend my soul, while hobbies fuel my spirit. Vanilla frappes with an espresso shot are my sweet escape.